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Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.

- Arundhati Roy

The 2nd Annual Society for Global Scholars Conference

Alter-Globalizations: Another World is (Still) Possible


The University of California, Santa Barbara

Artist Credit
Rosa Huitzitzilin

Call for Papers

Dominant narratives in today’s global sociopolitical landscape reinforce a false dichotomy between
globalization and anti-globalization. This dichotomy ignores not only the connections between these two poles as they have emerged in the Global North but also the plethora of alternatives formulated by communities and movements at the margins. Alter-globalizations foreground myriad imaginaries from below, presenting a host of possibilities for another world:​

  • The revolutionary aspirations and coalitions visible at Standing Rock and in #BlackLivesMatter

  • Alternative forms of community such as Rojava and the Zapatista communes

  • Robust transnational movements such as La Via Campesina and Movimiento de los Trabajadores Rurales Sin Tierra

  • Solidarity networks such as the World March of Women and Slum Dwellers International

These and many other less visible alter-globalization actors have remained defiant and resilient in an era of uncertainty, and attention to these dynamic alternatives is more important now than ever.

This graduate student-organized conference hopes to serve as a forum for the sharing, discussion, and co-actuation of these possibilities. We welcome papers on a wide range of perspectives, topics, and themes within alter-globalizations, including but not limited to:

  • Food, water and land sovereignty struggles in defense of Mother Earth

  • Radical democracy and horizontalism

  • Buen Vivir and Indigenous political ecologies

  • Mobilizations for gender, sexual, and intersectional feminist justice

  • Battles against racism, borders, and other modes of exclusion

  • Struggles against the legacies and continuities of colonialism and imperialism

Submission Guidelines

To apply, please submit your name, email address, and university and department affiliation with an abstract of 200-300 words, and a CV by November 15.



30 November 2017


Please upload all abstracts using the "Add a File" button below.


A member of our team will reach out to confirm receipt of your uploaded abstract.

Please send any and all inquiries to 

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UC Santa Barbara, Department of Global Studies, Social Sciences & Media Studies Bldg. Santa Barbara CA United States 93106-7065

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