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SGS 2019 is happening February 22nd-23rd. Please join us - to learn more click below.

F R I D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 2 2 : 1 0 : 4 5 – 1 2 : 4 5 

In this workshop, Dr. Saldivar will take the participants
through a series of exercises and reflections to discuss
and experience what would it be like to heal from the
effects of racism. As researchers exploring the multiple dimensions of racism and anti-racist work, we are well aware that the history and stories of racism are full of intense emotions: anger, shame, sadness, powerlessness.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22: 1:30 - 2:30 

Dr. Bashi Treitler focuses on two themes to show how her attempts to develop a "grand theory"of social domination directly emerge from her engagement as a citizen of the academy and her community. Bashi Treitler discusses what it means to work as an artist-scholar dedicated to public engagement, i.e., a commitment to social justice, transdisciplinarity, and reciprocity in the research methods that create and disseminate knowledge.


This talk investigates how the racial state deployed the
control unit to manage insurgent feelings and affects from Lexington, Kentucky, to Iraq, to Guantanamo Bay. It also examines how imprisoned people and activists theorized this global regime and imagined new ways of knowing and becoming through theories of revenge, vengeance, and violence.

UC Santa Barbara, Department of Global Studies, Social Sciences & Media Studies Bldg. Santa Barbara CA United States 93106-7065

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